Albany, NY


A cannon from the Revolutionary War

Outside of the Wayside Inn, where Longfellow wrote in the19th century.

A stone memorial to the poet Longfellow

Paul Revere’s house in Boston

The USS Consititution fought in the Revolutionary War

Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA

Audubon’s sketches in the North carolina Museum of Art

Notice the ropes on the bottom of this nineteenth century bed. These were used to tighten the mattress, hence the phrase, sleep tight.

Inside the Capitol


Inside the Old North Church where Paul Revere sounded the alarm

Where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Benjamin Franklin’s Post Office in Boston

In Colonial America, hollowed-out gourds were used as serving spoons.

The Capitol Building

Inside the Capitol

The columns of the Supreme Court

Lincoln’s shrine