Marie Tussaud
A wax sculpture of young Marie Tussaud holding the wax head of Benjamin Franklin
Madame Tussaud
Marie in her workshop
Madame Tussaud
Famous tableau of Marie going to the Madeleine Cemetary in search of the severed heads the Assembly wanted her to model
Madame Tussaud
The Du Barry tableau which was a strong draw at the Salon de Cire in Paris
Wax head of Robespierrre created by Madame Tussaud
The Death of Marat by Jaqcues Louis David
Philippe Curtius
A wax bust of Curtius
King Louis XVI
The King in a red liberty cap
King Louis XVI
King Louis at the Temple prison
King Louis XVI
The king’s trial
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette as the young Dauphine
Marie Antoinette
Marie in her “scandalous” chemise gown
Marie Antoinette
Marie as she looked in prison
Marie Antoinette
The Queen’s chamber in Versailles
Marie Antoinette
The queen’s last chemise
Princess Elisabeth
Elisabeth’s home, Montreuil
Princess Elisabeth
Madame Elisabeth
The Royal Children
The Dauphin
The Royal Children
Madame Royale, Marie Antoinette’s only living daughter
Duc d’Orleans
The Duc d’Orleans, cousin to King Louis XVI and owner of the Palais Royale
Rose Bertin
A likely portrait of Rose Bertin
Charles Brothers
The Charles brothers and their hydrogen balloon
Madame Danton with their son
Minor chararcters
The Baron de Besenval, Captain of the Swiss Guards
Minor Characters
Eleonore Duplay, Robespierre’s love interest
Minor Characters
Grace Dalrymple Elliott, a famous actress who was sent to prison during the Reign of Terror
Minor Characters
Josephine and Napoleon. Both of them lived through the Reign of Terror, and supposedly, Madame Tussaud met Josephine (then called Rose) while in prison
Minor Characters
Madame Necker, wife of Jacques Necker, the King’s Minister of Finance
Minor Characters
William Pitt, the Prime Minister of England during France’s Reign of Terror
Minor Characters
Saint-Just, the prosecutor who sentenced thousands of men and women to the guillotine
Minor Characters
Marquis de Lafayette, American war hero and leader during France’s Revolution